ŽáciTřídy7. BAktuality

7.5. AJ- skupina p.uč. Skotnicové

Good morning everyone! I´m sending you song for our English lesson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXFe4tUCd40 - Seasons, weather and clothes.

1. Listen to the song.
2. Write in your school exercise names of 4 seasons: WINTER  SPRING  S....and AU....
3. Each season connect with typical weather and activity and typical clothes - and write them.
example - příklad: Winter - it ´s snowy and cold. I like skiing, skating ..., We wear warm jacket, gloves, scarf, warm hat.
4. Don´t forget to send me photo with exercise!
That´s all for today have a nice long weekend and don´t forget on SUNDAY is MOTHERS´ DAY.
Bye for now, Petra Skotnicová.

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