ŽáciTřídy7. BAktuality

20.5. AJ- skupina p.uč. Skotnicové

Our topics today are  NATURE and NUMBERS  Find and choose topic  NATURE, play the game 1 - 3 times. Write in  your  school exercise book new words  and score in your games. Good luck! Don´t forget to send me back a photo of your new words and the scores! And second exercise are NUMBERS. Find topic  NUMBERS and play this game, then translate  and write these numbers ( words , not numbers ) in your school ex.b. 11-...., 13...., 30..., 28.....,53....  Have a nice day and bye for now. Petra S.

https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/fast-english/  - words NATURE
 https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/fast-phrases/ - phrases - TIME

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